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Friday, December 18, 2015



Hye semua.. sihat tak?? Aku harap semua sihat sejahtera.. jangan jadi macam aku, stress buat thesis sampai dah rasa macam nak demam dah ni.. please bertahan mai, tinggal lagi sebulan untuk survive before cuti sem..

Hmmm, sejak kebelakangan ni, aku selalu rasa terasing..selalu rasa sedih.. lepas tu sensitive tak tentu pasal.. tak tau lah kenapa...nak cakap stress, tak de lah sangat... Bile aku rase down, blog ni lah tempat aku curahkan segala yang aku rasa..

Actually, aku ada tertarik dengan satu puisi jalanan yang tertulis di sebuah blog.. aku tak pasti siapa yang tulis, tapi ianya sangat - sangat menyentuh hati aku.. bait-bait kata yang tertulis seperti menggambarkan perasaan yang aku tanggung selama ini..

Ketika senja mulai menyapa,
Kekosongan merangsak dada,
Segala cara kucoba,
Membunuh hening yang membutakan jiwa,

Ketika bintang mulai terjaga ,
Sesak ini semakin gila,

Sepi ini seperti mati,
Mendobrak masuk membunuh hati,
Ingin menyerah pada sang malam ,
Memohon ampun pada sang hujan,

Rumputpun enggan menyapaku,
Atau aku yang membuta tuli,
Cinta maafkan aku,
Seribu kali kau hujamkan pedang,
Rasa ini tetap sama ,

Maafkan aku yang mengganggumu ,
Bukan itu maksudku,
Ku hanya ingin mendengar sedikit kata darimu saja.
Agar sepi ini sedikit terobati.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Lastday with Project SK316


Hye semua.. maafkan jemah sebab dah lama tak update blog.. jemah busy sikit lately ni nyah oiiii... project juta - juta jemah kene handle... almaklumlah, bila juta - juta jemah jadi tak keruan.. mata asik berpinar - pinar aje.. haaaa nampak tak materialistic nya jemah... hahaha

OK STOP!!! Ape aku merepek pon tak tau lah.. layankan aje lah yer... haaa ni nak cite ni haaa, module SK 316 dekat tempat aq practical ni dah selamat berlayar dah.. huuuu sayu je hati aku bila tengok module tu sail away... Mana tak nya, ni project pertama aku dlm bidang oil&gas ni.. selama ni main dengan building construction je kan.. Banyak jugak aku belajar dari project ni, serious cakap lah aku memang lemah kalau part M&E and plumbing.. Yang aku master C&S, Architectural, Documentation ISO haaa tu je lah.. yang M&E dulu selalu arwah en.Din yag ajar.. tu pon macam masuk telinga kanan kuar telinga kiri.. yang tau chiller system dengan fire fighting system.. tu pon dulu sebab kene gantikan arwah En. Din masok meeting.. tu yang bagai nak rak gua study pasal manatang tu.. takot nanti kene soal dalam meeting, mampos gua tak tau pape.. haaaa

So nak di pendekkan cerita, bila masuk project ni hampir 80% semuanya pasal M&E and plumbing punye part yg banyak.. Civil & Structure sikit nak mampuih.. Yang ade pon steel structure (sebab biasanya civil engineer yang kene design steel structure tu, kira fix load, unfix load, bending moment segala bagai tu kan), haaa pastu underlayment (kalau dalam civil kita panggil cement screed not concrete sebab underlayment xde campor anggregate and rainforcement), hurrmm pastu ape lagi erkk..tu jela kot.. finishes semua under architectural.. yang lain semua barang M&E... so bila masuk sini, kene buat keje pasal ni agak slow sikit lah.. asik blur je bila QC dok bebel pasal system itu, system ini..

Tapi nasib baik dapat supervisor and officemate yang baik2... bila tak tahu, dorang ajar.. tu yang best.. dorang tak kedekot ilmu.. tapi part yang tak bestnye bila dapat Project Manager yang syok sendiri.. Tah pape tah.. datang keje lambat, masok meeting malas, bila ada problem selalu salahkan orang lain walhal orang tu bagai nak mati lah nak find solution..Nanti dia mesti cakap, kitorang ta bagaitau dia pasal masalah tu.. ehhhh HELLLOOOOO... kitorang tak bagitahu ke or kau yang sengaja tak nak ambil tahuu.. naik berbuih tau bagi tahu kau.. tapi ape yang kau buat?? Nothinggg... makin buat serabot kepale otak ade lah... haaa nampak tak bertapa tak ngam nye aku ngan Project Manager aku ni..

Selama aku practical, aku sabar je.. diam je dengan perangai annoying dia tu.. tapi kadang - kadang terlepas cakap jugak.. aku ni kan mulut puake.. hamek kene baalifbaya dengan aku.. diam - diam aku pon, aku tak kan biarkan orang pijak kepale aku.. hahaha... so hari ni last day aku dekat sini..dan hari ni jugak aku perang besar dengan Project Manager aku tu.. sampai aku tinggi suara dekat dia.. mana tak nya dia nak salah kan aku sebab aku kurang hajar masa dia call aku kemarin.. aku tak ade niat pon nak kurang hajar dengan dia tapi masa dia call tu aku dengan QC aku (hafiz) tengah dalam meeting.. time tu, client petronas tengah tembak macam - macam soalan dekat Qc aku.. so mane lah sempat nak cakap dengan dia and at the same time nak jawab soalan dari client lagi kan..time tu dia pulak sebok tanye nak dia masok meeting ke tak.. boleh handle tak meeting tu.. aku pon naik angin la . Aku bahase kan dia.. " kalau kau nak masok meeting, masok.. kalau tak nak sudah" .. aku pon terus letak phone.. tu yang dia pon bengkek je dengan aku.. pastu lepas bape hari berlalu dia nak ungkit balik pulak.. aku pon betah la balik cakap dia.. ye la aku tak salah kot.. buat ape aku nak takot kan.. so masa dia dok ungkit - ungkit tu aku pon asik mencelah jelah dia cakap, sampai satu tahap aku TERtinggi suara dengan dia.. Dia pon ape lagi, makin tercabar lah kan.. nasib baik Qc aku ade.. aku pon terus bla dengan Qc aku tu pegi office mmhe..

Haiisshhhh.. sedih kot.. ingatkan hari last ni nak enjoy2 dengan officemate, kononnye nak menikmati hari last berada di site.. tapi sebaliknye plak.. pastu kalau boleh aku nak pastikan nama aku bersih bila aku habis.. macam before  ni aku keje, bos - bos aku semua baik..buat majlis farewell,  siap bagi hadiah bagai time aku nak berhenti..even, sampai sekarang still lagi contact aku tanye khabar... tu yang buat aku rasa puas.. tak macam project ni, ape pon tarak..

TAPI nasib baik dapat officemate yang TERSANGAT2 baik.. TERSANGAT2 memahami.. TERSANGAT2 gila-gila..haaa tu yang buat hati aku sayang dengan dorang semua.. sedih nak tinggalkan dorang semua.. banyak kenangan manis dengan diorang.. walaupon masing - masing busy, stress, hari - hari kene maki "KANINA" dengan bos, hari - hari kene marah dengan client,  tapi dorang tetap happy.. kadang - kadang tu ade jugak lah yang bad mood, tapi mesti ade someone yang akan pujuk and buat lawak.. pastu nanti ngumpat and kutuk balik orang yang marah tu.. hahaha.. nanti mesti rindu rabak dengan dorang semua... huuu sedihnye guaaa... (mintak tisu satu kotak)..

Alahaiii.. sampai sini jelah entry aku kali ni.. .. nanti aku sambung lagi.. betri phone dah low pulak.. so korang tengok lah gamba - gamba last and gamba - gamba aku, officemate and workers yang keje kat module ni.. pada yang nak muntah tengok gamba aku, muntah lerrr.. ade aku kesah?? Hahaha  ok bubye..

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Final Year yang mematangkan diri aku..


Hai kawan - kawan.. sihat tak semua.. pejam celik, pejam celik dah masuk final year dah dekat UTM ni.. Rase macam baru semalam aku update pasal orientation MMM UTM.. Kononnya tak percaya lah dapat masuk UTM, terasa macam mimpi bagai, kene belajar betol-betol bila masuk sini.. hahaha choiii semua tu.. Tu semua perasaan masa baru jejak kaki dekat dalam ni je.. lama - lama, kelaut lah nyah oiii...

Bukan bermaksud aku belajar main - main dekat sini, cuma aku rasa masa dekat poli dulu aku lebih berdedikasi berbanding dekat sini.. salah satunya sebab dekat sini semuanya persaingan lebih tinggi.. antanya bagi siapa yang terer menghafal, terer membodek, terer membohong, terer dalam menyimpan ilmu akan lebih berjaya dengan jayanya.. tak macam dekat poli dulu, kita sama - sama belajar.. bukan nak cakap dekat poli tak ada persaingan, tapi persaingan tu tidak membuatkan kami mementingkan diri sendiri.. kalau ada kawan yang jatuh, kita sama - sama bangkit semula, kita sama - sama tolong.. tak macam dekat sini, makin kau jatuh, makin kau kecundang, makin ramai yang suka melihat daripada menolong..makin ramai yang ketawakan kau.. 

Ye, aku tau tak semua macam tu, tapi boleh dikira dengan jari siapa yang betul - betul ikhlas nak tolong dan sama - sama bangkit dengan kau.. Kenapa aku cakap macam tu, sebab aku sendiri dah terkena.. Dulu masa awal - awal perkenalan memang semua baik - baik belaka.. Tapi bila lama kelamaan especially bila dah masuk final year, semakin nampak ketajaman taring masing - masing.. Ada yang sanggup tikam dari belakang semata - mata untuk pastikan tajuk Final year project dia approve.. 

Kau tak rasa lagi betapa kecewanya bila kawan yang kita percaya, yang kita sanggup tolong masa dia susah, yang sanggup kita berkorban masa, wang ringgit mahupun tenaga tikam kita dengan kejam dari belakang.. Masa tu terasa gelap dunia.. Terasa betapa BODOHnya diri ni... Ya Allah, tak tahu nak cakap lah.. sampainya hati kau buat aku macam tu.. selama ni aku TAK pernah berkira dengan kau..aku tolong kau ikhlas, tak pernah mintak balasan.. tapi apa yang kau bagi dekat aku?? Huhhh

Kalau dulu, aku suka share apa yang aku ada dengan kawan - kawan.. tak kiralah dari segi ilmu ataupun cerita bodoh yang terjadi pada diri aku.. Terima kasih sebab sedarkan aku.. Sedarkan aku bahawa tak semua yang kita ada kita perlu share dengan orang.. Terima kasih juga sebab membuatkan aku lebih berhati - hati dalam memilih kawan..Yaa Terima kasih banyak - banyak..

Sekarang, aku berjanji pada diri aku untuk terus kuat dan berusaha untuk mendapat markah yang baik dalam FYP nanti... Aku maafkan kau, tapi perlu kau tahu perinsip hidup aku

"Sekali kau buat TAIK dengan aku, sampai situ saja lah kepercayaan aku pada kau " ..

Bunyi macam kejam dan pendendamkan.. tapi terpulang pada diri masing - masing untuk menilaikannya.. hanya yang betul -betul rapat dengan aku je yabg tahu siapa aku sebenarnya.. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015





(6 April 2015: Monday)
Today I only attend meeting with Mr. Hafiz at MMHE meeting room.

QA/QC Issues:
1.      Quality walkabout (monthly) is on Wednesday 04/03/2015.
Reminder: To ensure closure of temporary openings (penetrations/MCT) to protect the installed insulation from excessive moisture.
2.      ABSB need to submit installation procedure and testing method for Plumbing works Press fit copper & PVC - under final review. Still have comments and ABSB to resubmit by 09/04/2015.
3.      ABSB to follow-up with Procurement to expedite the VO / Contract Amendment. Especially for items with pending PO. (Lab Furniture, Bolt Tensioning Equipment)

Engineering Issues:
1.      2 years spares list – ABSB propose by 05/03/2015. Submitted on 26/03/2015. TMJV commented and ABSB need to resubmit by 09/04/2015.
2.      Enquiry on Safety equipment locker sent to ABSB on 03/04/2015. ABSB need to submit proposal by 10/04/2015.

After lunch hour, I write hydro test report for Ball Valve. Hydro pressure test procedure as the following. 

Hydrostatic Seat Test Process

1.      Water for hydro – testing shall be clean, treated fresh water of objectionable minerals, salt and inorganic materials.

2.      Ensure all the vent points are fully opened to atmosphere, prior to start water filling.

3.      Start filling water from the lowest point in the line using small diameter branch connection and let the water overflow from the highest points.

4.      Stop the water at this stage and check all the flanges, valves and connected accessories for any leakage while keeping the vents open. Hydrostatic test maximum pressure shall be 20 Bar for the Ball Valve.

5.      After the water filling process is completed, pressuring will take place for the start of hydro test. Open the first valve and close the second valve to test the seat valve.

6.      Start pumps the pressure from 0 bars to 8 bars.

7.      Next, when the pressure reaches 8 bars, hold it until 3 minutes for leak inspection. Pressure maintain after 3 minutes holding, it’s proved that there is no leakage at the seat valve.

Hydrostatic Shell Test Process

1.      After done the seat test and confirmed that no leakage at the seat valve, we continue increase the pressure from 8 bars to 20 bars. Before pumps the pressure to the valve, open the lock for the second valve to test the shell valve.
2.      Start pumps from 8 bars to 20 bars and holding it until 3 minutes for the leak inspection. If the pressure maintain after 3 minutes holding, it’s proved that there is no leakage at the shell valve.
3.      When successful complete the test, de-pressurize and completely drain the system and satisfaction from TMJV and Company representative. 

(7 April 2015: Tuesday)
Today I update weekly progress report and write Hydro pressure test Report for Globe Valve.

Picture 1 shows weekly progress report.

Hydro pressure test Report for Globe Valve as the following.
Hydrostatic Shell Test Process
1.       Water for hydro – testing shall be clean, treated fresh water of objectionable minerals, salt and inorganic materials.
2.       Ensure all the vent points are fully opened to atmosphere, prior to start water filling.
3.       Start filling water from the lowest point in the line using small diameter branch connection and let the water overflow from the highest points.
4.       Stop the water at this stage and check all the flanges, valves and connected accessories for any leakage while keeping the vents open.
5.       After the water filling process is completed, pressuring will take place for the start of hydro test. Start pumps the pressure from 0 bars to 20 bars. Hydrostatic test pressure shall be 20 Bar for Globe Valve.
6.       After the pressure reaches 20 bars, hold it until 3 minutes for leak inspection. The pressure maintain after 3 minutes holding, it’s prove that there is no leakage at the shell valve.
7.       After successful complete the test, de-pressurize and completely drain the system and satisfaction from TMJV and Company representative. 

(8 April 2015 : Wednesday)
Calculate the force for underlayment second test and write summary hot water report for piping system. I calculate force for underlayment second test using Newton Second Law. By using formula F=mA, I calculate the force that can test piece received and make sure the test piece did not crack when received the high force. Based on specification of PETRONAS give to us, the minimum of force that underlayment can received is 25.5 N/mm2. So, I convert from N to kg, I get 2.60kg/mm2. This shows that the underlayment will received 2.60kg/mm2 at the maximum point. 

(9 April 2015 : Thursday)
Today I check the calculation of force for underlayment second test. After lunch hour I write summary hot water report for piping system.

(10 April 2015: Friday)
Today I go to the workshop land C with Mr. Hafiz to see the work progress at workshop land C. 

Picture 2 shows they cut steel using 2 types of machine which is Laser cutting machine and cutting machine.

Picture 3 shows workers do the welding process at workshop land C.

Picture 4 shows lifting process using moveable crane. Operator controls the movement of moveable crane using remote control.





(23 March 2015 : Monday)
Help Mr. Roger doing hot water and cold water report complete with grin and mac number. 

(24 March 2015 : Tuesday)
Help Roger doing hot water and cold water report complete with grin and mac number.
Help Mr. Azuan update weekly progress report.

Picture 1 shows weekly progress report.

(25 March 2015 : Wednesday)
Help Mr. Roger doing hot water and cold water report complete with grin and mac no.
After lunch hour I enter to the CPP Living Quarters to mark “Paint” or “Visual” in every steel frame at level 1 until 1 until level 3.

Picture 2 shows the frame that need to paint. 

(26 March 2015 : Thursday)
Today I have entered to WHP to find uncompleted works at ESR room and IER room. 

Picture 3 shows raised floor did not install at the certain area at Instrument Electrical Room (IER).

Picture 4 shows raised floor has not 100% installed at Electrical Services Room (ESR).

(27 March 2015 : Friday)
Today I enter to the site to check the all panel installation base on drawing. Each wall panel that have done install, must be cover by card board to protect form damages. Level 1 until level 3 have started installs the wall panel, but level 2 still in insulation process. 

Picture 5 shows the wall panel that have install and cover by cardboard.

Picture 6 shows the installation of insulation process at level 4.

Picture 7 shows the cat eye. The function of cat eye is to hanging the cable when lifting process.


(30 March 2015 : Monday)   
Today I only attend site meeting Mr. Hafiz at MMHE meeting room. Today they discuss about QA/QC and Engineering issues.

QA/QC Issues:
1.    ABSB needs to ensure proper protection of the installed insulation especially near the opening locations at the bulkhead or overhead.
2.    Plumbing valves – ABSB need to provide recent certificates (2014) and prepared for random hydro test (1no.for each valve type.) Target on 02/04/2015.
3.    ABSB needs to submit quotation for all additional items and SI for subcontract amendment and supporting documents to justify the additional works for review.

Engineering Issues:
1.      Clashing issue between raised floor pedestals & E&I cable tray at TB. ABSB need to do room layout marking after complete blasting/painting activity. Then line walk with E&I to identify location and quantity if bridge is feasible and required.
2.      ABSB needs to clarify/provide complete documents for Commissioning purpose for the following items:
a)      Hot water package (Tanks & Pumps
b)      Cold room system
c)      Galley hood (Exhaust & Fire suppression system)
d)     Lab fume hood
3.      Enquiry on Safety equipment locker sent to ABSB on 03/04/2015.

(31 March 2015: Tuesday)
Today I have entered to the site for check installation of wall panel. I need to ensure every wall panel that has installed must cover by card board to protect from damages. I also highlighted in the drawing which area that have install wall panel. 

Picture 1 shows installation of wall panel in progress in level 2.

Picture 2 shows cutting wall panel in level 2

Picture 3 shows steel frame need to check before painting process

(1 April 2015 : Wednesday)
Today I have Inspection of stairs. Before all the stairs are used, MMHE need to inspect the stairs and give the tag to ensure all the stairs are in good condition and safe when they used at the site. After lunch hour, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Hafiz, Miss Fasya and I go to workshop land A to inspect Laboratory equipment materials that has arrived yesterday. 

Picture 4 shows the stairs inspection and workshop Land A.

Picture 5 shows Mr. Andrew check the flask to make sure the flask did not crack.

Picture 6 shows Mr. Andrew check the graduated cylinder and make sure the entire graduated cylinder in a good condition.

(2 April 2015: Thursday)
Today I have follows Mr. Hafiz do underlayment test at workshop with client PETRONAS and PMT. They do the load testing which is Mr. Salihuddin knock the underlayment test piece using hammer and also fire testing. The objective of this test is to ensure the underlayment did not crack when the high load fall from the high place to the underlayment surface area.

Picture 7 shows Mr. Hafiz explain about the procedure of load test before they start the test.

Picture 8 shows the tools that need to use in load test which is underlayment test pieces and hammer. The right picture shows Mr. Salihuddin knock the test piece.

Picture 9 shows the test piece has crack and the test was consider fail and reject. ABSB need to prepared another test piece and follow the requirement that they give in specification.

Picture 10 shows the fire test and the test piece can received the high temperature until 440C0 .

(3 April 2015 : Friday)
Today I follow Mr. Ah Long, Mr. Roger and Mr Aizat do the Hydro Test at factory from 9a.m – 6 p.m. This testing is to ensure that the valve can received high pressure and at the same time no leaking at the body of valve. 

Picture 11 shows the 23 pieces of valve and high pressure pumps.

Picture 12 shows the pressure gauges that used in this test and Mr. Zul fill in water into the valve before start pumps the pressure into the valves.

Picture 13 shows the Mr. Zul start pumps the pressure from 0 bars to 8 bars. When the pressure reaches 8 bars, hold it until 3 minutes for the leak inspection. If the pressure maintain, it’s proved that no leaking for the valve.